Alpine Equipment Manuals

SpeedSet Product Manual

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10 SpeedSet P R O D U C T M A N U A L EN 2.5.3. USB Drive Sometimes called "jump drives" or "thumb drives", these devices are necessary if the computer is not connected to a network. The SpeedSet has a USB port mounted on the operator's console for these devices or any other USB device. This also works as backup if the network is not functioning. In order to use this feature, copy the desired TPS files to an empty USB drive. Then rename the drive label to "DATACOPY". Inserting this drive into the copy will trigger a copy of the TPS files onto the local system. An onscreen popup will advise when the process is complete. Upon completion the drive can be removed and all files will be available under the "usb" data source. 3. SpeedSet Software The SpeedSet software automatically starts when the computer boots. All other programs have been removed and the software will automatically restart when closed. Homing is not done daily, so work can start right away. There are three major tabs on the table software. 1. Assembly Tab (Normal Operation) 2. Repair Tab (Fix Problems) 3. Check Tab (Find Problems) 3.1. Assembly Tab The Assembly Tab is the main table that is located on the bottom left of the screen. It is where general operation takes place. New trusses are loaded in this screen, as well as a graphic representation of the table (refer to Figure 4 and Table 6). ! CAUTION Before moving any puck, make sure that the path of the puck is clear. 2.4. Tables and Liftouts ! CAUTION Make sure liftouts are clear of all persons, tools and obstructions before operating them. Operating liftouts can cause serious injury. Standard SpeedSet table systems are available in three configurations, 2, 3, or 4 pairs of servo controlled pucks per table. They are located in two pairs of unistrut tracks on the right and left sides of the liftout. Some systems also have a bridge that spans the aisleway. This bridge may also have an additional set of pucks. The SpeedSet system provides an option to retrofit the manual air valves for automatic control. Each lift out will be individually controlled by an electronic valve. The touch if one button will actuate the individual liftouts needed to eject the truss. 2.5. Getting Data to the SpeedSet 2.5.1. General Table setup information must be in the .TPS format. Use the Virtek .TPS format for best results. Job files can either be accessed directly from a remote file server or copied onto a share drive on the touchscreen and read in local storage mode. 2.5.2. Network An Ethernet adapter card is provided with the computer inside the console. Alpine recommends connecting the network using a Cat5e or Cat6 Ethernet cable. Except for its distance from the server, the table computer operates like other computers on the network. Distance can be an issue, Alpine recommends that the network cable be installed and connected by a network professional. If wireless is going to be used, it must be an external wireless bridge, as this computer cannot accept a wifi card directly. If TPS files are being sent to the SpeedSet over a network connection, then only read access is needed. If the truss display option is used, the software will also need access to the jobs folder. It is also required that the table computer have Internet access. This will allow for remote access by technical support personnel for troubleshooting and diagnostic evaluation.

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