Issue link:
114 (800) 521-9790 MTSC28–MTSC78 TS9-TS24 TS91 - TS221 MTSI26 - MTSI72 MTS27 - MTS72 HTS3 HTS6 (HPS720 Typical) FHA9 - FHA30 HTS2 HTS5 (HPS418 Typical) TS1734 LTSI49 – LTSI73 FHA HPS HTS LTSI TS TSA MTS MTSC MTSI TIE STRAPS Design Features… provide the builder with a complete range of tie straps to meet a variety of application and design load conditions and specifications. Series Installation Bolt Pattern Material Finish TS Nails — 20, 18, 16, or 14 ga Galv. LTSI Nails — 18 ga Galv. MTS/ MTSI Nails or Bolts Single 12 or 10 ga Galv. HTS Bolts Single or Double Row (Glu-lam Beams) 3 ⁄16" or 1 ⁄4" Steel SUPERSPEED ® Gray FHA Nails — 12 ga Galv. HPS Bolts Single or Double 7 ga Galv. MTSC Nails — 16 or 14 ga Galv. Applications… TS series – tying rafters and ridge beam together, securing rafters to plate, anchoring studs to sill, framing over girders and bearing portions, joining continuous headers at corners. TSA series – tie strap is designed for use on a 1 1 ⁄2" member. The 3" center-to-center nail spacing reduces the possibility of wood splitting. MTSI series – the strap is engineered with 3" nail spacing specifically for wood I-joists. MTS series – designed to provide positive connections at wall intersections and ridge ties when top plates are cut. See pages 106 and 107 for 3X MTS Straps for less than 4X members. HTS series – designed for high stress situations. FHA series – approved multipurpose straps. HPS series – This is a heavy piling strap which connects wood pilings to floor girders in elevated structures. LTSI series – designed for attachment to open wood chord web trusses. The 6" on-center staggered spacing eliminates the chance for wood grain splitting. Note… the LTSI is manufactured from 18 ga. galvanized steel which can be installed with air gun nailers. This eliminates the high labor cost of hand nailing. MTSC series – nail holes are counter sunk for sinker nail heads offered in 2 different strap sizes of gage material. Counter sunk holes for lower profile nailing with 16d sinkers. TSA9 -TSA36