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106 (800) 521-9790 3XTS SS MTS SS MTSC SS MTSI SS TS SS 3XMTS SS EMBOSSED TIE STRAPS Design Features… The TS SS and 3XTS SS straps are designed to transfer tension forces between two framing members using nails. The TS Series are designed for use with a nominal 4X framing member and the 3XTS are designed for use with a nominal 3X framing member. The product is manufactured from galvanized steel and is embossed for use with gun nails where desired. The MTS SS, 3XMTS SS and MTSI SS straps are designed to transfer tension forces between framing members using nails. The MTS series are designed for use with a nominal 4X framing member and the 3XMTS are designed for use with a nominal 3X framing member. The MTSI series are designed with a nail pattern to accommodate various composite wood I-Joist products. The product is manufactured from galvanized steel and is embossed for use with gun nails where desired. Special… It all started with a simple idea of forming an embossment around each metal connector nail hole. The embossment, along with the proper nail gun nose adapter, aligns many commonly used nail guns over the metal connector nail holes. Installing these connectors with a nail gun makes installation up to five times faster than the old style hand nail connectors. Material… 16 ga, 14 ga, 12 ga, and 10 ga. galvanized steel. PRODUCT CODE CLEAR SPAN TOTAL # NAILS DESIGN LOAD TENSION (LBS) 1.33 MTSC28 18 12-16d Sinker 925 16 16-16d Sinker 1230 MTSC40 18 28-16d Sinker 2155 16 32-16d Sinker 2460 MTSC52 18 44-16d Sinker 3385 16 48-16d Sinker 3695 MTSC66 18 64-16d Sinker 5035 16 68-16d Sinker 5350 MTSC78 18 80-16d Sinker 6295 16 82-16d Sinker 6450 MTS37 18 20-16d 1930 16 22-16d 2125 MTS48 18 32-16d 3135 16 34-16d 3330 MTS60 18 46-16d 4810 16 48-16d 5020 MTS72 18 56-16d 5850 16 56-16d 5850 MTSI36 18 14-10d x 1 1 ⁄2 900 16 16-10d x 1 1 ⁄2 1030 MTSI48 18 26-10d x 1 1 ⁄2 1675 16 28-10d x 1 1 ⁄2 1805 MTSI60 18 38-10d x 1 1 ⁄2 2450 16 40-10d x 1 1 ⁄2 2580 MTSI72 18 50-10d x 1 1 ⁄2 3220 16 52-10d x 1 1 ⁄2 3350 FLOOR-TO-FLOOR CLEAR SPAN TABLE Important Pneumatic or power-actuated fasteners may deflect and injure the operator or others. Nail guns may be used to install connectors, provided the correct quantity and type of nails are properly installed in the nail holes. Guns with nail hole locating mechanisms should be used. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and use the appropriate safety equipment. MTSC SS Nail Hole Pattern Typical for Length of Strap MTS SS Nail Hole Pattern Typical for Length of Strap MTSI SS Nail Hole Pattern Typical for Length of Strap 3XMTS SS Nail Hole Pattern Typical for Length of Strap TS SS and 3XTS SS Nail Hole Pattern Typical for Length of Strap TS SS Nail Hole Pattern Typical for Length of Strap INSTALLATION SAFETY NOTE: (See page 115 for Design Loads) NO HAMMER™ SUPERSPEED ® EMBOSSED STRAPS