eb Bracing
eb Bracing
Bracing Examples
Bracing Examples
CLB: Continuous lateral bracing (CLB) is 1x4 or
2x4 material nailed to the narrow side of a web.
CLB braces must be fastened across a minimum of
3 trusses. If you don't have a run of at least 3
trusses, you must use another type of brace.
The CLB brace here is shown in blue, with diagonal
bracing to "brace the brace" shown in red.
The truss drawing will show a brace on the web,
and will also have a note specifying the brace, as
shown to the left here.
T-Brace: A T-Brace is 1x or 2x
material fastened to the narrow face
of an individual web so as to form a
"T" shape.
(At right) Truss drawing depicting a T-Brace, and bracing note (below)