PLUMB CUT - Top chord cut that is plumb to the building floor line provided for vertical installation of a fascia.
PURLIN - A horizontal member in a roof perpendicular to the truss top chord used to support the decking.
REACTION - Forces acting on a truss through its supports that are equal but opposite to the sum of the dead
and live loads.
RIBBON NOTCH – See page 36..
RIDGE – A ridge is the line formed when two planes meet.
SHEARWALL - A wall element that acts as a large vertical beam, cantilevered from the foundation to resist
lateral forces on the building.
SLOPE (Pitch) - The inches of vertical rise in 12 inches of horizontal run for inclined members, generally
expressed as 3/12, 4/12 etc.
SPAN – The length of the truss, measured from outside bearing to outside bearing, except in the case of
cantilever conditions. If the truss is cantilevered beyond an outside bearing, the Span length would include
the length of the bottom chord beyond the outside wall.
SPLICE (Top or Bottom Chord Splice) - The point at which two chord members are joined together to form
a single member.
SQUARE CUT Overhang - A cut perpendicular to the slope of the member at its end.
STUB – When the truss is held back from its original span.