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40 I've got to provide the truss manufacturer with information so they can match some existing trusses. What information will they need? CV: Your local truss manufacturer may already have a form to help you with this, but the one below is a good starter. 1) What is the Span of the truss? ___________________________ 2) Does the bottom chord of the truss run past the wall? Y N (circle one) a. If so, how far? _______________________________________ 3) What is the Height of the truss? __________________________ 4) What size is the top chord? 2x4 2x6 2x8 Not Sure (circle one) 5) What is the Heel Height? _______________________________ 6) Overhangs: a. Put an overhang on One Side Both Sides None (circle one) b. Overhang length (measure horizontally) ______________________________ c. Overhang type Square Cut Plumb Cut (circle one) (Note: Truss shown has a Square Cut overhang on the left, and a Plumb Cut on the right) 7) Vertical rise for every 24" horizontal run, measured using a level? _________________ (Please measure to within 1/8" accuracy) Your Name: _______________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Best Time to Call: __________________________ Today's Date: ______________________ Any additional comments about this truss? ________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________