
IntelliVIEW 15.01 News Release 2-27-15

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NEWS RELEASE For additional information, contact: John Mandel (224) 358-9449 ALPINE ANNOUNCES INTELLIVIEW 15.01 SOFTWARE SUITE UPDATE FEATURING ENHANCEMENTS THAT IMPROVE DESIGN EFFICIENCY VERNON HILLS, Ill., February 27, 2015 – Alpine has introduced IntelliVIEW 15.01, a software update featuring several key enhancements, including additional stacked structural lumber placement options that provide added design efficiency and flexibility. IntelliVIEW is the only comprehensive component manufacturing business suite that enables real-time integration across vital business operations for unparalleled productivity. The IntelliVIEW suite incorporates three major components: iModel – a dynamic, fully integrated 3D component design module for laying out and designing rough framing elements. iCommand – an advanced business management application designed specifically for the component industry. eShop – an automated production management solution that enhances truss- manufacturing productivity. - more -

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